09 February 2013


Names are a strangely difficult thing for me. Naming kids, pets, essays, and characters has always been a struggle; I feel that a lot can be conveyed through something as simple as a name.

'Riley's Closet' is fitting enough to stick with. I won't insult your intelligence by claiming that Riley is my real name, but maybe I should explain why I'd decide to write about my closet, of all things.

Closets aren't particularly unique, or noticeable.  Lots of people have closets - some empty, some crowded, some disorganized, others structured. Some people's closets are wide open, yet others are shut to most everyone. Mine would fall under this latter description; I would describe mine as cluttered, solitary, and abnormal.

What's 'abnormal', of course, changes by perspective. In an attempt to dissemble political correctness and to express tolerance, some might claim that homosexuality isn't abnormal at all - yet if you take it from my perspective, it's considered extremely abnormal by a vast majority of people. And this might bring you to what I actually mean by 'closet'.

The perspective I'm writing this blog is from within my closet - which I've only come out of to three people.  Effectively, I'm still shut deep in the corner of it. Through this blog, maybe you'll acquire some appreciation for this perspective. And maybe you won't; like I said - everyone has a closet, and there are many more out there than mine that can offer their own points of view. Yet hopefully, some of you might be comforted by knowing that we're stuck in our closets together.

So, as a love-stricken seventeen year old, with a sexuality that I can't really define, perhaps I can give insight to a closeted teen's mind, or, especially, solace to those in a similar position. I can't promise that the journey I'll provide won't get occasionally lost on tangents, twisted in philosophical introspection, or even mired in hypocrisy and needlessly expiated rhetoric. I'll try to make my love for commas as unnoticeably annoying as possible - and the opposite for my extremely dry sense of humor.

Anyways, welcome to my 'closet'; I hope you leave with something beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Riley, what's up? First right off the bat, I want to say you KICK ASS at writing and the way you use words!! Second, I want to say is that I'm no Gay ,Bisexual teen but I am gay and can relate to the closet aspect. I was many years ago in the closet to everyone, and I personally choose to stay that way till many years later!! For me it was a fear of losing my friends along with my family, but ended up losing most when I came out!! I was picked on and harassed at school, so that didn't make matters any easier, and I kept it all inside my closet!! There comes a time though that that closet has to be ridden from all the clutter. I was put into an HELL HOLE that I thought I would never be able to escape from, but as they say IT GETS BETTER!! After loosing everything I dug myself out of the hole, went on to graduate with a PHD in Child and Adolescent Psychology and I now help those who are living what I experienced!! I know and can relate to your struggles, because I was you!! My apologies for blabbing on man, I just wanted to say hi, all things will work out in the end, and you have a friend if needed. Please keep up with your writing and showcasing your thoughts, because it's the best therapy that you could ever receive, NOT SAYING YOU ARE CRAZY OR ANYTHING!! See ya on G+ and you have an AWESOME DAY my friend!!....
